Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What now you ask?

Here's the answer:

I'm attending an academy that Arapahoe Community College puts on at it's campus. So it's just like going to school, I'm taking out loans to pay for it and applying for grants. The departments who would have paid for me to go through the academy (and paid me while I was attending) required 60 semester hours and I only have half of that right now. After a lot of research it just made more sense to go through a school because I can choose what department I want to work for in the end. Along with the stuff I mentioned in the last post, I have to go back and talk to Financial Aid and see if I can take out more loans since I won't be able to work while going to school. The director of the academy showed me the schedule for last year and it was 6 days a week with classes at night too. Sometimes they schedule things on the day off like when they cancel classes and need to reschedule or there is just a lot of curriculum to go over. It's gonna be an intense 16 1/2 weeks, but I'm so stoked and I can't wait for the challenge. I actually get a little teary eyed when I think about graduating. Of course, I cried at the movie, "Stuart Little", so that's not saying much, but know that I'm VERY EXCITE!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Drumroll please......

You're looking at the newest member of the Arapahoe Community College's Police Academy!!! I guess you're reading, not looking, but you get the point.

I have to get a physical, fingerprinted, and submit a copy of my driving record, but once that stuff clears, I'm in!!!!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

How did I get cream cheese on my forehead?

The attorneys at our work are nice enough to buy us bagels every Friday; they're even nice enough to buy us cream cheese! Well, I'm not exactly sure what happened, but I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror as I left and there was a streak of strawberry cream cheese on my forehead near the hairline. Obviously I was veeeeery hungry...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Great success!!!

I have an appointment with the detective in charge of interviewing potential academy students Monday the 21st at 1:00. VERY EXCITE!!! Send good thoughts, pray, burn incense, WHATEVER IT TAKES!!! Do it.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Police Academy update

So I have completed my application and now all that's left is an interview with the Academy Director. Scaaaary. Hopefully that will go well and they'll offer me a spot. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Stay away from the Reid kids

No new haircut, I wimped out

I am using a new hair product though and no hairspray. That's a good change though right?