Thursday, March 13, 2008

What have I become?

If you've read more than 1 post on here, you'll know that I'm not normal. In fact, one of my biggest pet peeves is being lumped into some generalized group set within certain confines. Something about begin so easily defined really irks me. I'm a complicated person and I don't fit into those kind of parameters. There are times when I say things or do things that even has my wife going, "Huh?" and she knows me better than anyone. There are times when I find myself doing things simply to NOT fit in. However, Tuesday night at 8:59, that all changed...
I gave in, gave up and went along with the crowd. Yes mom, all my friends jumped off the bridge and I jumped too. I fit in the box now, I can now take personality tests in crappy magazine and feel like it describes me to a "t". I can read studies and know that I am one of 67% of people who do this when this happens.
What did I do you ask?
I'm afraid to tell because you may never look at me the same.
Promise not to laugh.
Pinky swear?
Ok, here it is:
I voted for my favorite American Idol.
OH MY HELL!!! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!?!?! May God forgive me and have grace on my soiled soul...


Abi said...

Well which one was it?

Randy said...

Wow its not easy to fix mistakes after leaving a comment.

Anyways, When Taylor Hicks was on the show I would spend hours on the phone voting. But I don't think thats quite normal either...

"Cowboy" Cody said...

David Cook
He's the rocker who redid Lionel Richie's "Hello" and the Beatles' "Elenore Rigby". He's so freaking good.
My wife likes the Irish chick. She already had an album though and it totally flopped. She's had her shot.
I like Brooke too.
God I sound like such a fairy...

Kevin said...

You're not alone my friend...although I have not voted in years, I spent quite a bit of time hitting redial for Ruben. Since then it has been an endless parade of crack whoa well wait, let's stop it there and just say I'm done voting...except maybe for David Cook....maybe.

Kevin said...

...And stop using the word "rocker". Please for the love of all that is music, stop!