Monday, June 16, 2008

A somber change of tone (if only temporarily)

I'm writing this as I think, so I apologize that my fingers aren't as fast as my brain...

Some friends of ours (Jamie and I) recently had a child. However, there were lots of complications and the baby, Molly, didn't start crying for 4 minutes. The doctors tested her and tested her for various things like her heart and her brain and found problems with both. She has pulmonary hypertension and irreversible brain damage on both sides equaling 50%. She is blind in both eyes and upon further testing they found an aneurysm in her brain. The doctors say that even if they proceed with dangerous surgeries, she will need as many as 20 to fix the problems they've seen so far. The doctors don't expect her to make it to the weekend. This is our friend's first child. So many questions run through your mind. "Why?" being the most prominent one. Why would a God capable of moving mountains and raising the dead let something like this happen to a child less than a day old? How could a parent make a decision like that to either prolong pain or let nature take from you what you've barely had? It's been a long time since I've been so closely affected by death. I like to think that I don't let things like this affect me, but for some reason this is really shaking me and (if not rattling, at least disturbing) my faith. I know that it's not God's fault. The God I believe in doesn't do things like this for any reason, much less to teach someone a lesson. My question is more, why wouldn't he intervene? I'm not a supreme being, so I'm sure there's more to it than that, but I can still act like I know what's best for the world. I'm so confused and so hurt on a lot of different levels. Like I said, normally things like this don't affect me, but for some reason this really hit home. Probably because I have 2 kids and I don't know what I would do if something happened to them. Forgive me for gushing my feelings, but I need somewhere to put them and I guess a private forum like a blug on the interweb is gonna have to do...

Stay Safe,

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