Friday, January 11, 2008

The dungeon...

Don't get me wrong. I really honestly enjoy parts of my job, and I do have to stress "parts". Working with the people here (most of them anyway) is a lot of fun. We laugh together, get angry at the same pinheads together, and just enjoy each other. However, the monotony is wearing on me. Dealing with my supervisor has pushed me to the edge and the fact that her supervisor has turned a blind eye to her potentially dangerous shortcomings makes me wonder whether it's worth staying another 7 months. Should I work for Denver, the department so corrupt I swore I wouldn't work there to get away from her? Or do I stick it out, go to school and chalk this up to a lesson in patience and pray I never deal with it again? I don't know the answer, but every day I lean more and more towards walking away... we'll see what happens.

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