Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!

Well, I don't know about you, but I'm glad it's a new year. Spare a few good moments, the last one sucked pretty hard...

I'm looking forward to '08 and here's a quick list of my resolutions:
1. Baby-free in '08. No more children for a while. I want to have 4, but not anytime soon. Besides my wife would kill me. That's not a euphemism, she has threatened to kill me if she gets pregnant in the next 12 months. I can do that, I enjoy living...
2. Get back to my fightin' weight. I'm steadily losing weight and I want to keep it up. I need to be in great shape for the academy and I want to not have to worry about the physical part of it.
3. Run a mile every day. I used to do that, and since it's gotten cold, I've been slacking. Need to do that again.
4. Update blog more. See, I'm already doing good on that one...
5. Not break the law. Haven't had problems so far, but you never know. Besides, they say you have to have easy resolutions so you feel like you accomplish something. So let's add, no smoking, no gay sex, and no gender reassignments. Pretty simple, I should be able to accomplish those things...
6. Spend more time with the family. Yeah, yeah, we all say that, but I really do want to.

That's all I can think of for now, I'll be back for more later...

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