Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I'm running out of material...

I'm sorry I can't update this everyday, but I'm afraid I'm not nearly as interesting as I make myself out to be. I'm pretty boring and all of my posts pretty much sum me up. Yup. Wow, that's a disappointing realization.

Back on a more positive note, my company's Christmas Party is almost here!! WOOHOO!! That means I get to go and eat reeeeeally nice food, have a few adult beverages (I do mean a few, I never want to be drunk. There's no way I'm gonna end up in a tub full of ice missing a kidney...), and hang out with good friends on someone else's dime. Plus, it's in San Francisco which is actually pretty nice and lots of fun.

We're going to be moving in with Jamie's sister and her husband on account of the fact that we can't pay our mortgage. Thanks a lot John Toole!! That's the ass-clown who put us in an ARM loan and didn't tell us that it would go up $500 in 2 years. I really hope that he meets an untimely and humiliating demise. Like, getting stuck in a dog door for 9 days. Or choking on a ball point pen. I mean, 11 people die a year from that alone. Can he be one of them?
(Side note: here's an interesting question my wife asked me last night. If you're more likely to die in an ATV accident, falling down your stairs, or of extreme cold than you are likely to die in a place crash; then why do so many musicians die in plane crashes? Aaliyah, Big Bopper, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Buddy Holly, Otis Redding, Randy Rhoads and Stevie Ray Vaughan to name a few...)

Anyway, we'll probably be moving in with them soon and be there anywhere from 6 months to a year. Hopefully I can attend the academy in the fall. Since I won't be able to work during the academy, I need to save as much money as possible. We like Janna and Joel, so hopefully it will be a good time living with them.

I dream about being a cop. It's almost all I think about anymore. Enough said.

I also want to get a motorcycle so that I can save on gas when I drive to school since it's in Aurora, which is a ways out there. Wife says, "Do you know how much insurance is?" End of story.

My kids are awesome, my wife is actually very supportive during all of this. I guess I have everything I need.

End of post.

P.S. I'll try to update more often.

NOW, end of post.

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