Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The 11th commandment

NEVER under any circumstances, no matter how tempting the pictures look, should you eat any of the following: Hot Pockets, Chef Boyardee or anything with more than a teaspoon of curry. Your intestines will thank me later...

I was home alone the other day and wasn't very committed to making a big lunch, so I cracked open a can of Chef Boyardee remembering those days as a kid when that's all you would eat. I thought I was going to hurl at the first smell, but I still didn't have enough energy to make something else that would take too much effort, ya know like PB&J. So I forced myself to eat the greasy mess that sat in my lap.

There are few things in this life I regret as much as that decision. No mental image needed.


Anonymous said...

You did heat it up first, right?

Also, I love Hot Pockets.

"Cowboy" Cody said...

Of course I heated it up. That's what made it worse! It probably would have been better if it was cold... and it wouldn't have left a mess all over the microwave.

Never in my life have I eaten a Hot Pocket and thought, "Boy, that was a good decision." I usually think the exact opposite after letting it hit my stomach.