Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wow, this is kinda cool!

I have to say that this blogging thing is addicting! Here I am, not even 5 hours later, and I want so bad to post something else, but what do I write? Sensing a theme? Constantly looking for something to write about, but struggling to find something? That's not because I actually don't have things. Oh no... I just have so many things going through my brain that I can't seem to pin one down long enough to... what was I saying? I feel like Donald Duck in MathematicLand where all the stuff is flying over his head and he's trying to grab it. Sometimes I wonder if I have that ADD thing, it stands for Attention Deficit, LOOK A PLANE!! Alright, enough of that...

Anywho, I'm sure you're wondering about my past. I kinda left everyone (all, uhh... none of you) hanging that I've lived this full life and I'm only 23. I have lived a very interesting life, that's for sure. I was homeschooled until my freshman year when I joined a small k-12 private school. Small meaning 13 people... in the whole school. That's actually where I got to know my future wife; we've actually known each other since we were 8, but became friends in high school. I asked her to marry me a few months after I graduated. I had planned to go to college to get my doctorate in psychology, but after 2 semesters figured out that I wanted to focus on something else. I had no idea what, but something else nonetheless. I've had a lots of jobs in my young life:

Skating rink equipment rental agent (that's the actual title they gave me)
Sandwich artist for the place that rhymes with "Snubway" (don't want to get in tradmark trouble)
Customer service clerk for the city I grew up in, during which I actually served as a life guard for one shift when no one else showed up. I'm a terrible swimmer by the way. Thankfully everyone lived that day...
Electrician (I'm still a little twitchy...)
Barn Manager (Also the title given to me while I worked on that ranch caring for horses and their barn and other "duties as assigned" including scooping "doodie"...)
Real Estate Agent's assistant (That didn't turn out so good. I got fired after 30 days without a reason other than "I just don't think we're gonna work out". That's the first and only time I've been fired.)
Teller at a bank
Office go-fer for a large law firm (go-fer this, go-fer that...)
and Mortgage Broker. As I mentioned in my first post, I'm hoping to attend the police academy soon. It's been a dream my whole life, but I just never took it seriously I guess. Now it's all I think about, all I read about and all I want to do. We'll see how that all turns out...

Yeah, pretty crazy. I've enjoyed all of my jobs even though sometimes the people you work with drive you crazy.

On top of all that, I'm a pastor's kid who grew up in a church of 2500. I also did music for their youth group and the main congregation for several years. Those things are a whole other post which will probably be a few hundred thousand words. Kidding.

I've had my share of heartache and fun, but to be honest, most times it feels like a lot more heartache. I'm really looking forward to making new memories for the rest of my life and I'm trying to forget all the hurt in my past, but it is taking a while. I may talk about some of things eventually, but we just met! I mean, have some patience...

I know that there are people who've been in my shoes and had more than their share of pain, but sometimes I want to be selfish and think, "Why me?" or "Does anyone understand?" or "Why do I feel alone?". It's weird to feel alone when you have so many people around you. It also makes it hard to be close with people. More about that later...

That's probably enough self loathing and self grandizing. Until next time, remember,
"Common sense, just ain't..."-Mark Twain

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